Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gracious gifts

You know the moments. When someone loves on you in just that way. How could they have known? Sometimes we just need to be reminded that God loves us wildly. Gifts given for "no reason" are the ones with the greatest potential for carrying the message of His wild grace. We seem programmed to believe we need to earn His grace. Earn His gaze. Friend...how far from the truth this is. 

She came around 11am. Knocking on my door with coffee in hand. Eyes smiling. She came, grace laden. 

I have been one who has believed He won't look at me long. A grievous way to live. A lonely way. We long to be noticed. All of us. Even the ones who deny it. We long to be enough to be spent for. I have learned through opening mysteries with "thank You", that He is different than I thought. Better in love than I ever dared voice was my hope. He does look at me. Long. His son, my Jesus, said yes to being "spent" for me. For you too. Yes. You. Since the day grace flowed out His side... and down His brow into those eyes...the eyes that looked thru blood up to heaven for you. Spent thru pain so you would know love. Love that saves. Love that looks at you long. Love that turns your life around.

This was the greatest of many bouquets your Savior gathered up for you. And He hasn't stopped. Love breaks down walls. And though we act like we don't want that, it's all we crave. Because walls? Walls are loneliness. We think it's safe. But how is suffocation safe? So He sends it...places it....times it....and orchestrates love notes for you all day long, everyday. His loves chases. We all want to be wanted.

" Therefore The Lord longs to be gracious to YOU, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on YOU. For The Lord is a God of justice, how blessed are all those who long for Him."  Isaiah 30:18
Did you know that's what that ache is? That hunger that keeps you awake nights? You are longing for Him.  Jesus says blessed are you for having this hunger. Don't silence it. Don't look for things, or people to fill it. Ask Him to show you His gaze. To show you that you are not alone.  That you have never been alone. We blame Him when it's us who have chosen to live with eyes closed, unthankful grumbling lips, and mortar for walls in hand. Try saying thank you to Him for things you take for granted. I dare you. Saying thank you is like turning to see who called your name. Turning to see whose gaze you feel. "For of His fullness we have ALL received, grace upon grace." John 1:16

And one more thing friend. Remember that you can be His grace to someone else. His love that slices through darkness. Become a gift. For no reason. Gifts of time. Gifts of words. Gifts of coffee on a doorstep. Surprise someone by joy, and you just might be a window to God's love for them. 

    ( My dear friend. 1 am. Produce aisle  
      of grocery store. Her friend. Hadn't 
      seen in eight years. Timing.)

His moments are never a mistake. His timing perfect. His love accurate.
Be blessed today. God is near.

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