It drives. All of it. Wild. Soul spinning, mind throbbing wild. Birthday parties still have to be planned. Appointments still must be kept. Call that person back. Don't forget your gonna kill your sons fish if you don't get him food. Cry. You forgot again. Ache. Ache for air. It's often the longing that leads us.
But then this. He does come. Always. Slicing thru the too thick just like that. Joy can be sharp. Beauty can cut thru as saving grace.
Slow down and see things. See Him. Sometimes He shows us things to quiet us. When we are quiet we hear Him. When we are quiet His words, His heart soak into these cracked souls. And we can't explain it... But somehow we walk away ok. Like oxygen on high mountain.
He calms. His hand reaches. He loves thru the looking. What we choose to see can determine if we heal.
He offers to change how we see all day long. It's us who blow past. Always so fast. To get where? To that parking lot where you'll snap at the kids before you go in looking poised and happy? Why race to artificial? I want the real. I want to be lost. Gloriously lost in all the stops along the way. He is there. In those moments. Offering soothing love. The kind I need to breath. Why do we always rush? Like travelers on a highway, we pass by all the rest stops of beauty, to hold our pee and go to the bathroom at the next dirty gas station. That way we can have germs and a fatty candy bar. So we leave empty. Of bladder and soul. When we try control when and where we will stop, we stay empty. Does He sing us to pause at odd places? Inconvenient times? Yes. He does that. He knows what we don't. Stopping at His prompting fills our eyes with sight. Sight that fills with light. It can be anything too. Such little things sometimes. The way she laughs on the tire swing. Look at her eyes! The House Wren landing so near me. The dew drops on flower. The couple, 60+, on ride at fair. Smiling all love, their joy splashing onto others near. Simple? Yeah. It all is. Till you enter.
Stop. Really look. Let your eyes see. Enter into a moment and be shocked at how you fill. Do you know He loves on you with beauty?
That load your carrying becomes lighter when you stop to be with Him, moments all along this way. Isn't He the point? Isn't falling in love the goal? We all long to be caught up. Taken by something beyond our selfish. We ache to know there is more than "this". He predestines moments, sights created, just for you. To tell you of this love, His love. His love is mighty to save! But He won't make us slow. He won't force us to see beauty. He wont force us to say yes to air. The choice is apart of love too. Will you slow?
I am learning that there is hope. That everyday there are moments to meet Him in the slow. And I calm. I heal. Time in His presence does that. Our eyes can lead us to light. Will you use them? See His grace and burdens lift. And the fleas? Yeah. There just a small bug under the feet of a great God. And I am His.
Today. You are loved. And He is enough.
I hope you pause. This reminder made me smile thru tired tears last night. There is always a rest stop. And Jesus is ready there with lunch. I'm pulling over. Hope you will too.
Be blessed.
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