Tuesday, October 15, 2013

They. A Tapestry of Grace.

I used to think a girl got one shot at finding a best friend, and then no one else was allowed in. Then God reminds that that's not His way. To have a friendship with one that can shun another... Block out other grace? It has been on my heart often of late. This incredible thing God can do with women. If we let go of narrow perspectives and stereo typical search. Women, when placed around us by God Himself, can become His love... A Tapestry of His very grace! They won't all be the same. They can't be. His design is always personal... With each woman... Each a bride of Christ...yet all apart of The Bride. Do you see? Friends can be like that. Like how He is personal with each of us, yet groom to us all.  Each of us has a unique relationship with a loving God. He is groom, God, and Friend to all of us, but always intimately personal with each. Because each is divine in design and purpose. I am learning He can do the same in our lives with women. Each brought by Him to us with divine purpose and personal grace. I don't want to put God in a box. As I have let go of thinking I had to choose and compare, then pick one woman to my best... I have lost scales on eye. These. Oh these ladies... They are His. And He has set us here together. And this? This is joy beyond what I thought possible. Individually unique and wholly divine. I have kindred ones. I have the best of best friends. They are vibrant colors in a Tapestry of His Grace!

I was out of sorts really. Perspective crossed. Lie laiden. I had hurts to grapple thru and physical pain to wrestle with. She never minded. She always braved the grouch because she saw the real me. Me all messy dust. She calls when I need the hope. No matter the hour. She is always able to drop all and pause with me. Her prayers worded to heaven so accurate and full of another reality. She knows. The migraines havoc-ed her soul too. She bears the scars. And now? Now she is the Hope One. My quick to cry with and always laugh with friend. My takes me as I am kindred. She gives me the pleasure to love her too. To be there with smile and a prayer. To send that humiliating but funny pic text that makes laughter remember its sound. We. Friends so deep...because of grandmother's prayer. She is the yellow in my tapestry of grace. The color of the warmth of summer, daffodils, and butterfly wing. I hope she knows her love is like the smile on God's face. Always warm and full.

And her! She who has been through so much herself, yet always helps you first. She tends to the hearts of the cancer hurting, giving the hard road ahead colors of hope. She is rainbow promises in His sky. She grapples thru many physical challenges only to put them in her tool belt to use as outstretched hand of grace later. She talks joy and you feel bubbles tickle soul. She mommy with me... Tell the poop stories with me. She is "lets write a book about this" so others can laugh trials away too. She is my met ya on mountain top. My bible school gem. She is funny accents and silly grace. She. My history and faithful staying friend. She is my red. The color of laying down a life. The color of a rose in vase of gumption. The color of rosy cheeks all smile.

Some bubble over and can't help such happy flow. This one. She is such. She is snort when she giggles because life is too short not to laugh it all in. She is a promise to pray, a prayer she really will say. She is love's ear that listens, and the "I am here" when words just aren't enough. We are silly photos in grocery store aisles, and loud laughter's reputation in local coffee shop. Toddler girls tire us, but she is joyful stories to share and reminder of God's grace in size 3T. My thread of purple. The color of vibrant. The hew of beauty deep within, frosted with bling on her out. The color of jam on fellow mommy shirt... Badges of His  glory and grace.

Sometimes grace comes in swift. A fast fit that before we know it, we can't imagine life without.  Her. The one that has become kindred in a mere moment. She is loving to be thankful and sharing her count of His glory with me. She is open prayer requests and kind witness. She is a doorbell's ring with a coffee treat in hand. A " you are welcome anytime"...My "let me know if I can help" friend. She too braves the loud laughter with me. The take life full in the here and now. She is photos of flowers and clouds floating by. Blue. She is thread of His sky. The color of constant. The color of calm and stay. Spool of His grace.

Some women have courage. The kind that takes the watchful to notice. This friend... She is brave. She works hard to provide alongside the man she loves, while still being super mama to those boys she adores. She bends her best to help make her husbands dream come true. Does she know she is his best song? That her rhythm is beauty that inspires. She is love even when tired. Do what's best to her own hurt. I see her. Her brave face. Her gumption all grace. Little boy hero and beloved wife these years. Even she takes time for me. At every outing she laughs bashful and free. Tells stories of family life and puts her hand in with all ours. Us Mama's of reckless abandon to the God that sees. She is gold. A shimmer that comes by staying faithful in heat. The color of Kansas wheat blowing soft and steady... Of sunlight on busy bird's wing.

Sometimes life needs the whimsical. The silly, happy, take time to spin friend. So is she. She amazes me by her strong faith and steady heart. She is heavens mixture of serious and carefree. Serious faith, carefree in joy. She is my have the hard conversation, that within moments can be dancing around kitchen with smile that melts all my tired away. She is tea in a tea pot, dunking biscuits on tray. She blessed listener and wisdom giver. The fun mom who bursts into baking! She is acceptance of crumbs because she sees little toes that matter more.  Faithful helpmate and selfless Mama. Oh the women she inspires. She won't notice.... And that's ok. He sees her. This dancing friend whose dream is to be grey,all bun, and wise. She is my silver. The color of wisdom and the tea pots it's shared over. The tinkling spoon on an English tea day.

Don't make the mistake of choosing one and naming her best.  How can we pick just one sunset, one flower, one landscape as the only? God has beauty and pieces of Himself in His daughters. Let Him decide who is to be in His tapestry for you. Colors and pictures of His heart for you... For all of us. 

You may be thinking, "alot she knows. There aren't women like that around me." But you know what... I don't believe that. I do believe God has seasons for us, and moments when we meet others... But I also believe in this. If you don't have these kind of friends around you, ask God to make you into one for someone else. And then this. Pray. Ask God to place women around you that you can grow with. Taste His grace with. Tell His story with. Cause friendship isn't about taking, it's about being His colors to a grey world. It's about being love that looks out not in. It's about 1 Cor. 13.

And then one last thing. Please. Do not compare. Not yourself, and not women against other women. No woman is a standard met, a person she wishes she could be. We women are just His. And that? That is enough.

We all are our truest beauty in our OWN shoes. 

The ones He designed for you.

When comparison leaves the heart, true friendship can move in. Because we are all an original, framed in scrolls of grace.  

Be blessed. His threads are everywhere.

And to those He wove around me? 

Thank you. 


  1. Oh my word!!! HOW beautiful!!! made me cry!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! I love you dear friend!!!! THANK YOU for loving ME!!!!!

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