He made you Loved.
He says You are beautiful. Yes. You.
He didn't pass by. He noticed you. Him, constant witness to your life.
Your design is not a mistake. He has plans for you. Personal and kind.
Don't feel like your not enough. He is your enough. Your muscle of heaven.
When Exhaustion is like lead. He is your
" I can."
Making mistakes is a trademark of dust. He knows it's our frame. He has made you Un-condemned. Stop reliving it. He says in Him You are forgiven. Not for just the little, but for that "one thing" that tortures. Let it go. He has.
He says You are worth it. He has the scars to prove it.
You don't have to clean up before you drawn near to talk to Him. Oh friend. Turn and look into the mirror of His eyes...You wear white.
You have a place. His door is always open, the light always lit.
You are not an orphan. You are not abandoned. You are not fatherless. You are His child. He is Abba.
You are Chosen. Let go of the fear you will be passed over. You can never be of the unwanted again.
Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if we remembered. Remembered who we are. Because of Him. This constant God. Our poetry of heaven. We all forget. We all turn our eyes in shame... The not enough and not worth it overtakes sometimes. But the point is this. It's a lie. It is not our past, present, or our future.
He is.
The Lord knows we are of the forgetting. He will never tire of telling us the story. That love story is His favorite. And so He goes on. Endlessly weaving time and nature for you. Always to sing that song you must hear...
" I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with my lovingkindness. " (Jeremiah 31:3-4)
Take a few moments to listen to true ballad. Praying you hear it today. That song. Your song. The one He is singing over YOU.
Love reading your "Moments of Manna" !!! I read them every time they come through!! Some days you "HIT" me straight on and I am thankful for the encouragement that comes with it!!! Love you dear friend!!! Keep up the great work!!!