* Stop the car. Why not get out?
* Notice people. Really see them.
* Give a gift unexpectedly. Watch the smile.
* Go for a walk. Alone. In the quiet.
* Carry notecards in your car. People matter. Tell them.
* Ask that person who works at that place what their name is. Use it.
* Tell someone else to go ahead when you're in a hurry.
* Smile, full eyes at the elderly
* Offer grace when you have reason not too. There is always one more fact of which you do not know.
* Say "thank you"...and mean it.
* When that car in front of you is going way under the speed limit...don't pass them. They may have caught on to something.
* Notice the sky. He changes it daily. For you.
* Squat down and look at what children's eyes see.
* Look your spouse in the eyes. First thing.
* Take time to be honest. God can handle it. It's only a place to start.
Notice what matters. Take time to wonder. Your life's not so empty after all. Because it turns out. He was always there. In that smile of a stranger. That dusty road full of quiet. That choice to go slow. ( Genesis 28:16 )
God always has time. For you.
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