"And you have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him--- a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian,Scythian, slave and freeman, BUT CHRIST IS ALL, AND IN ALL....
And so, as those who have been CHOSEN OF GOD, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;
...bearing with one another, forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as The Lord forgave you, so also should you. AND BEYOND ALL THESE THINGS PUT ON LOVE, WHICH IS THE PERFECT BOND OF UNITY.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called IN ONE BODY; to be THANKFUL. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing WITH THANKFULNESS IN YOUR HEARTS TO GOD.
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."
~ Colossians 3:10-17
This can be the power of God in women. If we let comparison go. If we find our value in Him. In Him alone. Then just as it says, " CHRIST is all, and in all." We will become a story. This vibrant tapestry of testimony. This testimony of what love can do.
This incredible song that tells this world, of hurting women, they are loved. With a love that surpasses all understanding. A love that rises above comparison. Because we each are exquisite pieces of His beauty. Made in the image of His breath-taking Son.
What if we stopped shutting women out because we are threatened somehow. What if we stopped our first thought the moment it picked up compare? Her size. Her personality. Her husband. Her faith. Her struggles. Her voice.... They were not chosen for you. Stop covet-ing and start loving. We all ache to find grace in who WE are. In who this wonderful God made us to be. You are lovely. Made just like this because He likes it. Those hips. That smile. Those eyes. That soft spot for those people. That tendency toward giving things away. The way you can give life flavor. Your laugh. Your heart to keep your door open. Your passion for freedom and it's colors. Your willingness. Your quiet strength. Your heart to fight forward when you are so tired. Your never giving up on your man. These are art ladies. Pieces of Him, in you! Celebrate what you see in other women. Because if you pay attention, you'll glimpse God.
You will find grace where you thought you would find not enough.
Comparison always leads to empty. Who wants an empty soul? Comparison leaves you less, or puts another woman "down" as not enough. Hear that! Do you want to say that to her? We fill in God. We significance in God. We become in God. We find a home. When you know where you belong, and from Whom you fill, you are set free. Free to see all this beauty around you. Pieces of Him in every place. Pieces of Him in every woman. You don't have to measure up against another. You are complete. Lovely just as He made you. Strokes of His artistry on the canvas of now. So then. Let go.
Give another woman the gift of being herself. Comfortable in her own skin. Help her celebrate the bend God gave HER soul. When we know our maker looks upon us and says ," it is good ", we can live full. We can pass this fullness forward. You can. Don't shun anymore. Don't shut out as if she is outcast. Become His welcome. To her.
He says what we do unto the least of these, we do unto Him. Yeah. That applies here too. So love Him, by welcoming her. We all reach our full potential when we see as God sees. Look into her for pieces of Him. When we see God, we put down the measuring stick. Let go of the ruler and become grace. You will minister. You will empower. You will raise up. You will become a friend.
These women I see around me have moved me to tears many times. It has become one of my greatest joys to love them. To know them. To tell them they are beauty! When I pull back and look at us all... This tangled calligraphy of graces... I am speechless. We are so much of Him. This God I have fallen in love with. I recognize His sweet in these before me. They are yet another way I know His heart. His love.
Art. Masterpiece. Gliding brush against her sweet face. He and her are personal. Respect it. Celebrate it. A woman discovering she is lovely to Him is one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. I beg to be apart of such gift. May He use me as His welcome. His invitation, to her, to discover she is masterpiece.
You are lovely.
And so is she.
Know this.
We all beautify under grace.
ahhhh as the tears fall down my face............I FEEL a little more comfortable in my skin!!! THANK YOU FRIEND!!! THANK YOU!!!!