Because we all need someone to wake us from our sleep... To wake us up with warm hope.
I have come because I have to tell you! I shiver outside your door, with the sun barely glimmering, because your soul needs this.
It's about Him. The news I have is about Him!
He wants me to tell you this. It's time. It's time to know and believe! To rise up out of the bed of hiding and look Him in the face. To tell Him you need help with your unbelief. Say it. Because He watches over your whole heart, and He already sees the bleed.
He wants me to tell you. The impossible? It isn't. The impossible before you now...Is. Not. Impossible.
Wake up! The sun is rising..... Don't miss light breaking up the darkness....
He wants me to tell you.... He splits rock open for you. He squeezes water out of stone for your hope.
" He opened the rock, and water flowed out. It ran in the dry places like a river." ~ psalm 105:41
Your dry places are cracking right? Your soul is parched so deeply it's splitting straight through. Blood just below thin surface. I just had to knock. I just had to wake you early... This. Will save. Your life.
Your hungry. But you can't find the courage to believe. That this can end. All this doubt and mocking questions. This hollow aloneness that is eating away at the core of you. The whole of you. It's the rock you face. This cold, hard, piece of mountain that has you dumbfounded.
But He is hitting it. And before you know it...Water is going to run out of it as if it's hard surface were sponge. Friend! I had to wake you. Believe! You just have to believe!
I know you are starving for something to fill the hollow...The exhaustion from all these years. Hopelessness has found you and it's grip feels like darkness. And if people closest to you could know how you hurt, they might just take it all more seriously. They might actually hear your cry for help. But years of them missing it has you skeptic. But you have to call out. You have to.....
So call out to Him. Ask Him that question that haunts you. Ask Him the hard things. Because Your hunger may kill you if you don't feed it something epic.
" They ASKED, and He brought Quail, and satisfied them with the bread of heaven."~ psalm 105:40
See?! This is why.... I couldn't wait till later. I had to come. Muffins and coffee in hand, I had to knock urgent. Because there is this Someone who wants to save your life.
Someone who will rain bread down, from the sky, for your desperation. Manna for your ache. Your need. He will go all lengths to feed you.
Natural laws don't stop God.
Final diagnosis's don't stop God.
Too many years of " all this" don't stop God.
What they said, doesn't stop your God.
Your Jesus will never stop fighting for you. He will split rocks for your thirst, and rain down bread for your hunger. Oh friend. I just had to tell you!
Deserts happen. They are real. They are hot and they burn. But God has led His kids through the deserts for generations. And He goes all lengths to see they have light, protection, food, water, AND HOPE.
So you see. I just had to come and knock. I wanted to tell you that you have a place to go. That you can ask and it shall be given. That you can seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened... Manna falls. Rocks pour out water. Jesus saves.
So trade in your companions of worry and endless ache. Lift that up. Open your hands, and ask Jesus to take it. He can handle your real. Your ugly. Your secrets.
Absolutely you may come in!! HAHA I love your post friend!! THANK YOU!!!