Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tracking Goodness

Today. We have a choice. 

Everyday we do really. But we take it lightly. Which is sad to me. Me being the chief of the forgetful. 

What if we made it habit. Tracking sightings of our King?

Us the chasers. Chasers of grace. Not that we may obtain grace, but recording our seeing that we have already been given it. Over and over again. This goodness of God granted despite our forgetfulness. 

God shows Himself to us relentlessly. But we must train our eyes to be of the seeing. 
A lady bug, on strong man's hand... My eyes see. God taking the time to paint on her back, for us. Because couldn't she function without spots?  But He knew little children would smile. Would chase them, catch them, call them pet. So He details His kindness on the back of a bug.

Do you watch for Him? Do you look for sightings of your King?

It has amazed this heart, how loneliness leaves when I notice God. When I acknowledge Him here, and there, in all these moments. Because I have come to realize He notices me. Love always sets us free. Do you look for how He loves you?

I have been counting for a year and half now. I recently was pondering how thanksgiving has changed my life so much... How I wished I would have known the importance of gratitude to one's faith. But I saw Him here too... When I remembered how my Mama used to tell me to write down what I was thankful for, that it would help my fear go away. I sadly, didn't take it seriously, but even then God was awakening me to what He knew would set me free. Thank you Mama. You are wise.

Then I thought about my tattoo. (Not something I recommend for everyone, but rather something my husband and I prayed over for six plus months prior. I recommend any person do the same before getting one. ). What I felt led to put on skin.  I chose the words "Jordan Stones" in Hebrew. It's from Joshua 4, when God asks the Israelites to take up stones of rememberance... So they would remember He has been faithful. That was almost six years ago. He knew then too. That my freedom, that my love with Him would come when gratitude became my skin. 

He designs our detailed worlds according to His kind plans for us. Mama's urging children to write down what they are thankful for.... Tattoos that were once a symbol becoming a lifestyle...

Sightings of the King. Do you notice Him in your details?

Turning the face upward. Saying "thank you" when seeing Him.... It honors Him, and can literally be a key to daily salvation.

Salvation from loneliness, fear, despair, greed, shame...

Psalm 50:23

The thing I have loved beyond words, is that saying thank you to Jesus, in all the ways I see Him, has introduced me to Him again and again. This habit has made me to know Him and all His wonder. There is no greater gift. It's the secret to so much fullness. 

Remember Jesus, and discover how much He remembers you.

A woman I count friend, Ann Voskamp, said it so accurate, "Why is remembering and giving thanks the core of the Christ-faith? Because remembering with thanks is what causes us to trust- to really believe."

So it has been. With me. I hope it is so with you as well.

This verse in Exodus blessed me in my mellow this morning. It's really why I started blogging to you today. Please ponder it.

" And He said, " I Myself will make all my goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of The Lord before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and show compassion on whom I will show compassion." Exodus 33:19

So He does. In all our lives, day in and day out. Do we notice His goodness passing before us?

Want a game changer? Open your eyes and start counting. 

Exit loneliness.

Your loved. I promise.

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