So we planned. Me and two other grace chasers. We asked God to have paychecks arrive on time, and ran giggling to house when they did. We asked for love sitters for all our babies...detail watchers while we were away. Person by person, He lined up grace. We smiled soft. Our awareness of God's help and joy in our plan rising. We needed hubby's schedules to be just so. Mouth gaping happy, we watched Him time details and surrounding circumstance perfectly.
Winter. Her frigid chill and slippery tendencies... We worried a bit. Roads. Flying not option, it had to be the roads. A road that would lead to her. Joy package, in three women, praying themselves to front door step. God, with us watching weather well in advance, moving all this storm around like some sort of heavenly dance. Like a calm tunnel thru, He cleared it! We giving hoots of praise, our amazement of His aid clearly rising!
" it shall not be taken Elizabeth. Feast on the joy."
He has that way. With words.
I wish, in all our excitement, we woulda taken a picture of her surprised face! The look on a face when His love surprises. There is God here. She beamed! Because God showing up does that to us. We forget He is always there, and in His grace He surprise jolts sometimes. Like Him saying,
"Hey Darlin, I am still here! My love never left you. You. Are welcome. To all my care. Always."
We were His daughters. In His house. Having this slumber party of sheer happy. We slept in His kindness. And laughed our way thru so much abundant grace. Awe, continually gripping us, as we counted the details He had managed... And the things He continued to do while we were together. This God we love, savors our joy.
He wants us to feast on it. Joy that He gives is nourishment, it's hope wings.
But we often get so stuck on worrying that it will leave if we taste it. That this guilt rush must mean we are wrong for feeling all this happy.
That lie. Needs to die.
His joy. IS meant to feast upon.
The enemy knows we will receive it as personal. As this incredible proof that God delights in His children. So he spins lies to keep us from it. Trying hard to make us think it's this joy that's the forbidden fruit. satan wants us to think God's joy tasted is forbidden. Off limits. Unreal. Not lasting. Not for us. Not for me.
Stand up and shut him up!
God always welcomes us to His care.
You wanna know something else? Our picking that joy up...that care up.... Us risking pulling it in close and believing we matter to God.... This is holy offering to a watchful Father in heaven. A Father who delights in the joy of His children! He smiles at your risk to giggle. Truly.
So we did. All weekend long. We risked it. And we fed on all His giving. Over and over again.
Something divine happens in the heart that doesn't fear feeling His happy. It okay to relish joy given by God. Life is hard. And pain comes. But being a Christian isn't suffering. We can suffer. But it's not who we are. Many believers expect to suffer...which we are told will happen...That we aren't to be surprised by it in this fallen world. But they take it a sad step further, and they make identity in it. They make a homestead in it. This has become a top grief in my heart. Because when we expect pain, we become ashamed when we taste joy. When we feel happy. And so the enemy spins. Spins this horrible, backwards belief system. In our minds, God loses joy, and we walk the Christian life sludging thru mud...heart and foot heavy.
God spins details make you see you are loved...
Believe this. He loves a smiling face turned up grateful. A smiling heart that says, " I noticed God! Thank you!"
Don't be afraid to be lost in the silly joy of Gods love. Be a goober. Laugh happy as you roll in His kind grace. Because it's a risk He sees as an offering. An offering He sees as you, noticing Him. And He smiles. Oh how He smiles at His daughters, lost in the risk of joy.
" You will show me the path of life. In Your presence is FULLNESS OF JOY. At Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore." ~ psalm 16:11
There it is. Biblical. Don't be ashamed of what He says is true. Joy is real. And you may have it.
Gods kingdom isn't colorless. Life with Him isn't two dimensional. It's vibrant and full! He is all around you...waiting to be noticed by your smile. Open your eyes and walk away from the lies. Joy isn't forbidden fruit.
Joy. Is a feast.
Smiles are such an offering. My soul glories in His true.
So we did. We smiled. A lot. We saw God and we laughed in it. And she we came to bless...was. Because reminding others that God's love is for them? This is the workings of God.
Be brave. Stop being afraid of happy. Let go of your fear, that joy, could be for you too. Taste and see that God is good! And please, pass that true on to that person who needs to know it too. That person you see often. Stranger or friend. His joy can be given.
People matter. They matter so much to God. You give joy when you pass that on.
God sees YOU. And I am confident He laughs happy at your smile.
Notice Him, noticing you. I promise, you'll never be the same. Joy!
" The joy of The Lord is my strength." ~ Nehemiah 8:10
" You, Lord, have made me glad thru Your work, I will triumph in the works of Your hands. Oh Lord, how great are Your works! And Your thoughts are very deep." ~ Psalm 92:4-5
It was ME that God loved on in this trip!!! I have never been someone's priority that they dropped everything for me!! I have said million's of times......where is my GRACE..where is MY love......I asked lots of question's like this to GOD...I am a Christian I hear the words that GOD would say in HIS words......but NEVER has GOD showed me this until this last weekend........HE DID.......HE SHOWED ME.....HE LOVED me through these wonderful women who showed up on my porch step came to my door {I had no CLUE it was happening} until they were there!!! I have never had such JOY in my heart as I did that weekend!!! I have never been PRAYED over like I had that weekend!!! I realized that GOD loves me to the moooon and back....HE proved that to me through these wonderful ladies.........the love they poured out was GOD'S love not just there own.......BUT GOD loving on ME!!! ME.....I thought I was not worthy of this !! BUT I AM.........I truly AM!!! He tells us to CLING to HIM in His word.........I did and DO .........and HE showed me my GRACE and LOVE!!! HE blessed me!! I can't even explain it all........that is why it is GOD the whole way and whole time of this trip!! THANK YOU JESUS .....THANK YOU for giving me MY moment!! I LOVE YOU WITH EVERY FIBER IN MY BODY!!! Thank you friends for listening to GOD speaking to you to bless me!!! I can't even explain it which that tells me JESUS was in charge of it ALL!!! THANK YOU!!!